

My VO2Max Training Protocol

VO2Max measures the maximum amount of oxygen that your body absorbs during intense exercise. When you raise it, you:

  • live longer
  • think better
  • feel better
  • have lower stress
  • get less tired

My current cardio protocol, which includes what I want to call VO2Max is this:

  • Run at constant speed for 18 min (~2.8km) every 2 days, so 3x per week.
  • Once of those running days, instead of constant speed, I do this:
    • Run for 5-10min at a constant and comfortable speed.
    • Do sprints running as fast as I can for 20-30 seconds, then rest by walking for 1 min and repeat for about 4-5 sets.

My VO2Max over the last year.
My VO2Max over the last year.

— 2024-10-17

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Un Año De Dieta Vegetariana

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