S09E22 - Papazotl's Shrine

The heroes reach an agreement with the yuan-ti, find Papazotl’s shrine, and retrieve a mysterious cube inside it.
— 2025-01-19
S09E21 - Omu and New Friends

The heroes leave the planar rift, get infected with mad monkey disease, arrive to Omu, and get ambushed by a large group of yuan-ti.
— 2025-01-19
S09E20 - Fionghan and the Shipwreck Horror

The heroes serendipitously find Fionghan and save him from being torn apart by an aberration from the Plane of Chaos.
— 2024-12-20
S09E19 - The Heart of Ubtao

The heroes meet Valindra at the Heart of Ubtao, find out where Ada is, fight Valindra and its undead minions, and barely survive the encounter.
— 2024-10-28
S09E18 - Gargoyle Attack

The heroes repel the gargoyles’ attack, revivify Ná, get magical wings from Asharra, and fly to the Heart of Ubtao.
— 2024-08-02
S09E17 - Steal, Replace, Repeat

The party steals the black orchid from the medusa thanks to Avilos’s sexual prowess, they go back to Kir Sabal, and get attacked by a pack of gargoyles right before leaving.
— 2024-07-18
S09E16 - Do You Want To Be My Slave?

The party bonds intimately with Kir Sabal inhabitants, they then arrive to Nangalore, get high on exotic plants, and then try to convince a veiled woman to give them a black orchid.
— 2024-07-09
S09E15 - Arrival at Kir Sabal

The heroes rescue a peacock aarakocra called Astra, get attacked by a vicious Rupert, and arrive at the aarakocra monastery.
— 2024-06-24
S09E14 - Three Times Down the Cliff
The heroes kill the stone golem, rob him, and reach an old tower occupied by pterafolk.
— 2024-06-16
S09E13 - Big T and the Stone Golem

The heroes kill an undead Tyrannosaurus Rex and get stuck on the Monkey Bridge fighting a stone golem.
— 2024-05-19
S09E12 - Sex in the City

The heroes break into Salida’s house, rescue Carnivore from a delicate gambling situation, meet Jan Wyck and, before leaving Port Nyanzaru, discover that Avilos’s and Sophi’s date, Azionna, has quite kinky interests.
— 2024-05-12
S09E11 - Hot Potato

The heroes recover the orb from the sea floor, reach Port Nyanzaru, take a boat, and drop the orb back into the sea.
— 2024-05-12
S09E10 - Safely Afloat 200m Away

The heroes steal Rupert’s backpack and the orb, escape from the now out of control undead army, but end up losing the orb in the quiet of the night.
— 2024-05-11
S09E09 - Chasing the Undead Army

The heroes arrive to a razed Fort Beluarian, save the lives of Gruta and Shilau, and find ankylosauruses willing to be mounts. The heroes then rescue the missing and confused Carnivore, and catch up with the undead army.
— 2024-03-24
S09E08 – Mountain Explosions and Interrogations

The heroes meet the dungeon owner, destroy the warforged monster, and realize they’ve released an undead army. Salida gets caught spying on the group, and the unforgiving heroes promptly interrogate her, without her consent.
— 2024-03-17
S09E07 – A Tricky Wooden Door

The heroes figure out the trick to the wooden door at the end of the jungle dungeon.
— 2024-03-16
S09E06 – Alligators, Toxic Gasses, and Traps

The heroes delve into a dungeon, defended by alligators, and filled with traps, at the edge of a mountain.
— 2024-02-11
S09E05 – Fort Beluarian

The heroes arrive at Fort Beluarian, gather information, fleece guards, and take on a mission to eradicate a nearby surge of ghouls. Already on their way, they find a ghost village populated by skeletons.
— 2024-02-10
S09E04 – The Grung and the Baby

The heroes say bye to the grung, rescue a baby from a terrifying sea hag, and reach Fort Beluarian.
— 2024-01-26
S09E03 – Into the Jungle

Carnivore joins the heroes. They then enter the jungle, encounter a 13-meter-long constrictor snake but skilfully prevent any bloodshed, and rescue a frog-like humanoid from three hungry giant lizards.
— 2024-01-10
S09E02 – Revenge

Avilos joins the group, the heroes thwart Carnivore’s ambush and gather supplies and info.
— 2024-01-09
S09E01 – Dinosaur Race

The heroes start their adventure winning a dinosaur race in Port Nyanzaru (Na Pali), earning a free jungle guide, and saving an eccentric druid from a group of undead.
— 2024-01-01